Cigar Servers, Cigar Rollers, Custom Cigar Bands and Premium Select
Filler makes CF Dominicana the World's most innovative brand of Premium
CF Dominicana Cigars is the innovator of the cigar culture and is constantly breaking new ground to bring a new approach to your cigar lifestyle. We execute this flawlessly with cigar rollers and Cigar Catering®® events coordinated with in house event planners for your most special and important occasions.
With the success of our first e-commerce site, Cigar Flavors and growing media attention, CF Dominicana is now recognized by aficionados across the country. We use our Premium Dominican filler exclusively and hand roll each cigar in Beautiful Connecticut Shade Wrapper for an excellent medium bodied smoke.
Custom Cigar Bands, Cigar Catering®, Cigar Servers, Live On Site Cigar Rollers, Special Custom Sizes and our Gourmet Flavored Cigars makes CF Dominicana the most unique, upscale cigar brand available. Custom cigar bands are taken seriously and we hear from our customers on every milestone event that happens in their lives, birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and countless other personal events.
Celebrity events are now common, giving way to our newest addition, Cigars To The Stars - our new cigar forum designed with photos and words from our high profile clients and cigar events.
CF Dominicana Cigars will add another dimension to your cigar style.We are a deliberate updated alternative for you in a cigar industry that's grown far too conventional. Enjoy.